A moving story, an inspiration, and a pleasure to hear. Thank you for sharing.

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P.S. Barbara Pravi's version has the more pleasant-to-the-ear accent, but the dancers don't do it for me. Ninjas? Adherents to a certain creed that requires submission? Bad dreams that torment her? Or maybe some producer's vision of how unnecessarily to confound a lovely song? As you might infer, I am not moved by the black figures jumping around.

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Thank you! Just thank you.

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What an inspiration and fountain of joy! The expression on her face at the very end is priceless. My wife and I were discussing current things and the polarization we all feel, trying to figure out how to change it - and viola! You provide the answer. Everyone in that crowd responded to the beauty and force of that performance as one. If we could just be still and listen beyond ourselves we might find the answer.

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My thoughts exactly. If only our daily fare was performances like Emma and those beautiful souls like her.

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Scary song and uplifting story.

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What an extraordinary soul coupled with a superb musical talent. Emma will inspire so many people to hope and press through “impossible” challenges. May God bless her abundantly.

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Amazing. Thank you.

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Amazing. Between the intonation (I think that's the word I want) and the audience reaction it was powerful stuff even if I didn't understand anything but "voilà."


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Had to pull out my handkerchief multiple times this morning during a powerful sermon at church. And then you had to do this to me nine hours later. Fortunately, both instances give me hope for humanity.

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What a beautiful performance. Thanks for sharing her story.

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Merci pour le partage. C'était inspirant.

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Plaisir. Parfois, une histoire m'inspire jusqu'à la moelle de mes os. C'est l'une de ces histoires.

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c'était une si belle histoire humaine que je l'ai partagée avec ma femme qui a elle aussi été profondément émue.

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C’est bon! Et merci pour l’opportunité de utilizer mon français!

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