The jubilant response of Gazans to atrocities is worth noting.

Students of history will be aware of the Nazis' need to design their extermination apparatus in convoluted and ingenuous ways in order to work around the human conscience, to make it so that the individual Nazi soldiers actually doing the killing had plausible deniability and could say to themselves "I wasn't responsible for murdering all those people; I only did this little thing."

In Gaza, *they do not have that.* They openly commit mass murder, rejoice over it, and call their parents to brag about the Jews they just killed.

Hamas did not simply adopt and perpetuate what they learned from Hitler; they iterated on its design, and have produced a society that is, in a very real and literal sense, even more evil than Nazi Germany.

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I bought into The 2 State Solution. That was Dead by noon on Oct 7 2023. Oct. 7 was a Serious Dose of Reality. And the response in the West/College campuses even more so.

I wish I had a solution, but I don't. The Palestinians are living in a Fantasy world where The Jews are going leave, and "From the River To The Sea" will become a reality.

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Thank you, Professors Grayboyes and Patterson, for this insight into the minds of anti-Semites, whether they be Palestinian or others. The world needs to see the deep roots of this rot, and how far it spreads. We also need to be reminded of its Nazi roots and that it finds its philosophical basis in the shame that caused Adam and Cain to hide from God. An excellent observation.

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I never could figure out why so many people who don't give a fig about Christianity or Islam or any other religion should be so relentlessly antisemitic. Dr Patterson's last paragraph explains it very neatly: it is just a manifestation of original sin. I wonder if Calvin ever made that connection.

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Just a note about another book on a similar subject. https://www.amazon.com/Time-Immemorial-Publisher-JKAP-Publications/dp/B004XDFY0Q/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?crid=1JHKAKWDTT6QC&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.fsqQvS74stE5VJ-jSi9dGaswNJpfVMBecChPae6kjCr-vP0DJoovM3tNket-83KaNgcSQ0mVHJr72kD1chFdeiagkp4lg_9sWeRwCNGewvU.aFOPQPo268EzalAS2F3JRPA36WPoeVCRqIsTIWmWlfE&dib_tag=se&keywords=from+time+immemorial+by+joan+peters&qid=1741545759&sprefix=crom+time+im%2Caps%2C159&sr=8-2 The British after WWII knowing that the Jews of “Palestine” supported them during the war chose to put Husseini as the grand mufti of Jerusalem knowing full well his hatred of the Jews. The British had no love for the Jews and no appreciation for their fighting on the side of the Allies. Sadly looking at Britten today I’m not sure anything has changed.

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G-d the creator, above man. Humanity and law above raw biological behavior. Hitler wanted he and his Aryans to be above, as Prof. Patterson says in his chapter, the “tyrannical God of the Jews” and "His life-denying (laws)” "that the Jews (brought) into the world." Nazis wanted to create the laws and be as powerful and inhumane as they cared to. Similarly, the Islamists want their theo/ideology to be above all others in spite of others' more civilizationally enlightened beliefs in order to be as powerful and inhumane as they care to.

Good old fashioned human nature. The joy of power, arrogance, hate, violence, greed, and self-satisfaction not to be denied by the G-d, laws, and humanity introduced by the Jews. The Jews can never escape this. Evidently, human nature cannot be changed fully enough to rid us of Jew-hatred. We are a small group. Currently, it seems it's too politically incorrect for the West to fight this battle.

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