11 hrs agoLiked by Robert F. Graboyes

A very tough assignment. Better ask ChatGPT for help, and make sure it uses the word “joy” several times.

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Kamala Harris has a vagina of color. Her vagina of color will serve as a great inspiration for other vaginas, young or old, colored or pale. Her vagina of color has also sat in many important chairs in many rooms where important decisions were being made, thus making it perhaps the most powerful vagina of color in history. Vaginas of color reside on the Right Side of History, as the future is both female and of color, and because some people in the past disliked vaginas of color, there can be no better step to take on the road to an equitable future than voting for a vagina of color.

Vagina of Color 2024!

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Correct. Kmele Foster (5th column) says something like this. Same for KBJ, except that I'd argue she is a bit more of a substantial figure at least.

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Well said, although I didn't see in your list that Kamala's vagina of color grew up in a middle class neighborhood. That's gotta be worth a few points on the virtue-signaling spectrum, right there.

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damn, i need to rewrite now

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Hmmmm… how do you *know* that Kamala has a vagina? The mere fact that she identifies and presents herself as female is of course an insufficient basis for that supposition. Shame on you!

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Willie Brown was famous for his excellent taste in...uhhh...vaginas lol. I trust Willie despite his unchecked cishetero privilege.

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You forgot to mention that her vagina of color has also been in the service of a highly influential Californian politician of color. This makes it a worthy successor to Hillary Clinton's vagina of pallor which was in the service of a highly influential Arkanasas and then national politician

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10 hrs agoLiked by Robert F. Graboyes

So well said.

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10 hrs agoLiked by Robert F. Graboyes

OK. I'm solidly in the category of "She's not Trump, so I'm voting for her." But I did a quick Google search (i.e., I did "thorough research" and the first hit was a list from USA Today, which included the following Harris Accomplishments:

In response to immigration concerns, Harris’ call to action was the public-private partnership Central America Forward to support the creation of local jobs and other measures in order to slow the flow of mass migration. CAF has generated more than $5.2 billion since its launch in 2021, and its partners include more than 50 companies and organizations that have committed to supporting economic growth in the Central America region. The entities represent the financial services, textiles, apparel, agriculture, technology, telecommunications, nonprofit sectors, and others, according to the White House. Harris was at the forefront of the administration’s pursuit to enshrine voting rights protection throughout the U.S. She pushed for Congress to pass the John R Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, which would’ve extended the protections of the 1965 Voting Rights Act and required federal approval for some local election law changes. Harris visited a Planned Parenthood clinic on March 14, a historic first for any president or vice president while in office. Harris oversaw Biden’s establishment of the first-ever White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention to reduce gun violence. The Office builds upon actions taken by the Biden-Harris administration to end gun violence, which include the signing of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. Heralded by the White House as the most impactful gun violence prevention measure in almost three decades, the now law bars individuals under the age of 21 from buying firearms, grants the Justice Department additional powers to prosecute gun traffickers, provides mental health services in schools to assist youth affected by gun violence trauma and grief and funds community-based violence intervention programs. In her previous role as U.S. Senator for California, Harris introduced the Maternal CARE Act and the Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act, which would direct multi-agency efforts to improve maternal health, particularly among racial and ethnic minority groups, veterans, and other vulnerable populations as well as maternal health issues related to COVID-19. The vice president’s prior work on maternal and infant health care was a key component of the Build Back Better Act, passed in 2022. The legislation expands access to maternal care and makes new investments to drive down mortality and morbidity rates.

I thought about taking a list of all of the horrible things about Trump that a friend recently posted on FB, and just adapt it by inserting the phrase "Harris didn't..." at the beginning of each point, but that would have been much too long for this assignment.

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A sincere thanks for the post. However, IMHO, I think you’ve bolstered my argument. These are all small-ball items. There are dozens, if not hundreds of public officials with vastly more impressive lists of achievements—members of Congress, governors, Cabinet officials, bureaucrats, military officials. Your list includes things that never passed, things that were established but which don’t seem to have had tangible results, things that no one other than specialized policy wonks have ever heard of. Furthermore, just because the White House issued a press release saying she was a key figure, doesn't mean that she was. If these were the most significant achievements that USA Today can dig up ... then she truly is the least impressive presidential nominee of the modern era. And it's fine to vote for her because you despise Trump. But in that case, you're voting for a poker chip or one of the little pieces that you move around the Monopoly board.

[1] CENTRAL AMERICA FORWARD: Micro program with no indication that generated the equivalent of maybe 1/3000 of the federal budget. No idea if that was just a transfer or accounting fiction. No indication that the program did any good.

[2] JOHN R LEWIS: “She pushed Congress to pass [it]”. But they didn’t.

[3] VISITED A PLANNED PARENTHOOD CLINIC: “A historic first.” How does that compare with Defeated the Nazis, legendary war hero, put Mafia behind bars, ran CIA, ran State Department, built gigantic cross-country political movement, kept the Communists from taking over Hollywood, ran the Senate, passed the Civil Rights Act, destroyed the Japanese war effort? I’m guessing Trump would happily provide a list of places he visited that are equally impressive and equally “historic.”

[4] OVERSAW ESTABLISHMENT OF WHITE HOUSE OFFICE OF GUN VIOLENCE: Has the incidence of gun violence plummeted?

[5] MATERNAL CARE WORK: Admirable aim. $125 million budget is a bit less than the cost of building a single subway stop in Alexandria, Virginia.

[6] THINGS TRUMP DIDN’T DO: As the article said, voting for Harris because she’s not Trump is a valid motivation, but it’s not an achievement. Voting for her because she didn’t do 50 things Trump did is not 50 achievements; in fact, it’s still not one achievement. It’s a negative—which is exactly what I said has been the case for Kamala Harris.

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9 hrs agoLiked by Robert F. Graboyes

I'm not disagreeing with you. Again, this was the first post that came up. I suppose it's vaguely possible that had I looked past this one I could have come up with something else, but I'm for sure not going to spend any more time on my "thorough research."

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Summing up, the achievements you listed are the sort of thing you'd expect of some deputy assistant secretary of HHS who is a fair-to-middling candidate for elevation to assistant secretary. When the mullahs threaten us with nukes, her historic visit to a Planned Parenthood office isn't worth squat.

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Well stated, Robert! I established a Google Alert several years ago with the phrase "Iranian Nuclear Test." Try it yourself. There are plenty of concerns being raised now, as is shown in the news results.

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8 hrs agoLiked by Robert F. Graboyes

OK. Baseball analogy alert (and risk of hijacking the thread)! Small-ball can be quite effective in many cases, especially when your team's offense mostly relies on hitters eyeing the fences on every swing, but the opposing pitcher has figured that out (it's not that difficult, really) and pitches in such a way as to lure the home-run-hitting batter into swinging at pitches that result in either swing-and-misses or trying to pull that low and outside breaking ball and ending up grounding into a double play. An alternative, although baseball folks seem to be so stubborn and set in their ways as to refuse to adjust to obvious circumstances, might be to try to hit to the opposite field and just get runners on base. I suppose this one could see this as analogous to the Dems changing to Harris and dumping Biden once they realized this move would give them a chance. It's hard to conceive though that politicians could be at all less stubborn than baseball players.

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Forget the small-ball analogy, then. As I wrote above, there is zero in her background that would suggest any capacity to manage a large organization, any capacity to communicate or negotiate, any meaningful knowledge of defense, foreign policy, fiscal policy, monetary policy, etc. The Biden switcheroo results from Biden's selfishness in seeking a second term, which he had indicated he would not seek, paired with a ruling cabal that knew for several years that Biden was not up to the task but hoped they could keep it secret through the election. If either Biden or the cabal had acted sensibly, the Democrats would have had an open primary in which Kamala Harris would have been demolished by Josh Shapiro or Gavin Newsom or Mark Kelly or Whitmer perhaps. Because of the cabal's behavior over the past two decades, the Democrats have a perilously thin bench.

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Harris is one of the small ball players, not the manager or general manager of the team who makes small ball work. There's a big difference in being a great bunter and being a great manager orGM.

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Small ball (or Whitey ball if you were a St Louis Cardinals fan in the 1980s) is great if you win league championships and World Series with it. Otherwise it's just losing slowly.

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Wikipedia is never a good resource for political things. It seems even worse than usual here.

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Harris didn’t create CAF, she merely supported its creation and goals.

At least that is what ChatGPT tells me even after multiple prompts trying to get it to say she had something to do with its creation.

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10 hrs agoLiked by Robert F. Graboyes

A chameleonic politician who has had the good fortune to continually fail upward.

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10 hrs agoLiked by Robert F. Graboyes

My one line attempt to highlight Harris‘s accomplishments and good qualities before she was nominated for president:

“She has always worked well under adult supervision and, on average, at least 14% of those who have worked for her say they enjoyed the experience.”

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The 14% seems a bit high given the turnover in her office…

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I was trying to be charitable.

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…while I was just trying to be almost as funny as you were. 😀😏

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10 hrs agoLiked by Robert F. Graboyes

I grew up in the Vietnam era, 58,220 young men (and some women) died in a war that in retrospect should be blamed on incompetent administrations.

Now we have an administration that funded Iran and probably advanced their nuclear weapon program, not to mention their proxy terrorist agents.

I'm baffled that there is any debate between a President who demonstrably avoided and prevent wars, and an administration so incompetent that the casualty count in Ukraine is 500,000. Yes, I said "administration" because while President Trump was an executive, Biden and Harris were an inept, stumbling committee.

If you want your sons and daughters to come home in body bags. The choice is obvious.

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10 hrs agoLiked by Robert F. Graboyes

Here's the thing that encapsulates so much about her...she's not even from Oakland. She's from Berkeley. Very different thing - in one place you hear gunfire and sideshows at night a few times a week, in the other you hear parties. She was explicitly chosen as VP due to the color of her skin and fact that she produces large immobile gametes biologically. As you mentioned - there is no there there.

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10 hrs agoLiked by Robert F. Graboyes

I would vote FOR Rand Paul. Trump, as a loose cannon populist, lacks principles, manners and speaks on impulse but he fortunately lacks the post modern nihilism infecting the left and is more likely to go against the imbedded war-mongering neocons which makes him preferable to a candidate that has received not one vote from her party members and appears to front for and is scripted by "others". IOW, I would vote against Kamala and whomever she obviously speaks for by voting for Trump.

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10 hrs agoLiked by Robert F. Graboyes

But Trump is a loose-cannon populist without principles in a country called America. And that seems to be his one actual principle, being for, not against, America, America first. You can't say that about the Democrats, many of whom are actively anti-American, if not in words, in deeds. All of his supporters know this instinctively, and not much else matters because the contrast is clear.

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Some of us, even philosophical Anarchist, libertarian-leaning, tradition-fence respecters, still like or love America. We see the warts and would like to change them, but we still love the good parts.

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Eloquence that demonstrates why you should be subscribed.

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Many thanks!

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As a former Democrat, I have concern arising from Harris's tenure as California's Attorney General from January, 2011 through January, 2017. During this interval, San Onofre Nuclear Generation Station (SONGS) near San Clemente, California went off line at the end of January, 2012 as a consequence of a mismanaged routine service operation. Eventually, a VP from the plant's 80% owner Southern California Edison (SCE) had illegal private conversations with the CPUC president Michael Peevey at Hotel Bristol in Warsaw, Poland. Notes of this conversation were later seized when a search warrant was served on Peevey's home.. SCE paid a minor fine for the ex-parte communications. As a result there were multi billion dollar charges assessed to southern California ratepayers. Our nonprofit, Californians for Green Nuclear Power (CGNP) was improperly barred from the CPUC investigation that was reopened. During her term, Attorney General Harris closed the SONGS investigation. You may learn more about CGNP via our Substack at https://greennuke.substack.com/

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Can you suggest a reporter who might be interested in investigating further?

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Try The Free Press here on Substack.

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I sent a note to The Free Press's "tips" email address. I'll keep you informed if anything transpires.

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9 hrs agoLiked by Robert F. Graboyes

Wow! That right there tells it like it really is. Too bad it doesn't have wider distribution. Thanks for sharing with us.

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9 hrs ago·edited 9 hrs agoLiked by Robert F. Graboyes

I cannot tell you, Bob, how disappointed I am that in your list of Trump's pluses and minuses, you forgot to mention in his minuses that he wrote MEAN TWEETS!

Now I'll move on to your assignment. I'm sure I can write a paragraph about Kamala. I was thinking of starting out along the same lines as "Clever Pseudonym." I think he's on the right track.

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I know people who tell me they are voting for Harris because they believe anyone but Trump. They actually don’t believe that because they wouldn’t vote for David Duke or Richard Spencer or Louis Farrakhan. I on the other hand will vote for President Trump for all the reasons and despite the reasons you noted above. One sentence about Ms Harris. She initiated the legal process against Mr Daleiden and protected Planned Parenthood. Not that I think that was an honourable action but it seems as if it is a singular accomplishment of hers while AG of California.

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Harris is a towering figure of diversity as virtue. The pure diversity candidate will have none of the attributes that define diversity's negative image - merit. The DEI candidate must be dim, unprepared and uninformed. Harris checks every box. She is elevated not because of her aptitude, but specifically because she lacks any aptitude whatsoever, making the victory of her immutable identity characteristics over the rational minds of her voters complete. She was merely average at Howard. She was a token at UC Hastings, and lived down to even these low expectations by failing the bar when >90% of her classmates passed it. Her ascension marks the end of the Republic and the birth of the Empire, as those noble shepherds of the public trust, the legacy media, spike the ball as they announce to the world that they can get ANYTHING elected president - even this. And a sly wink to Master Xi and his Iranian gas-station that it is now go-time.

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I profoundly disagree.

Willie Brown did not date her, nor give her governmental placements, for DEI reasons.

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She’s the most unqualified candidate ever.

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John Kerry was not a war hero. In fact, I hadn't realized it, but as a presidential candidate, he had fewer accomplishments than Harris has.

But my fear of Harris lies not in her lack of accomplishments, but in her potentential effectiveness as the head of an increasingly left-politicized federal government which will end-around Congress and the Supreme Court to institutionalize woke socialist policies while further compromising our national defense.

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