Dec 25, 2023Liked by Robert F. Graboyes

Most impressive. "Preponderance" stood out to me, but I am often slow to appreciate what is right there in front of me.

Alanna's scarf should give someone a chance to donate it to a museum for a nice tax deduction.

Do the Israeli first responders work closely with therapists who are adept at treating the severest interior wounds? I know how frustrating it is to suffer a tragedy with no way to explain or convey it to anyone who has not been there. I can't bring (but can't help) myself to dwell on the suffering of those who witnessed the absolute worst behavior, but they need help most of us can't imagine.

Listened to you play that song about the Motherless Child (youtube site). Enjoyed it. In college I went to one of those small Saturday afternoon music events before the football game and the all night partying. An older black man was playing blues on his acoustic guitar in a dining room while the alcohol afflicted crowd called out for him to play "My Girl" or something by the Four Tops. He just went on playing the songs that he knew.

I walked up and asked him if he knew "Motherless Child". His eyes lit up. He played it. The crowd went back to requesting Motown tunes. Later I found out it was Mississippi Fred McDowell (the man who taught Bonnie Raitt to play slide guitar). A few years later I was on the interstate headed for Memphis when we stopped to "rest" at a one of those Stuckey's. As I approached the restroom I saw him. He was sweeping the floor. His name tag said "McDowell". I spoke to him and told him where we had crossed paths. He said he remembered me. Likely just being nice. I preferred his version, but yours was nice too.

It is a quiet night here. I guess all the rowdy folks have settled in for the night.

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Love all these comments, thanks.

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Dec 25, 2023Liked by Robert F. Graboyes

You and Alanna are so talented in making sometimes difficult-to-access themes and points of view so naturally appealing to those of us who are among the lot who only casually delve into the realm of expressing our feelings about complex subjects in the form of art and music. 👍 Thank you for your creativity! I pray for peace everywhere. All the best to you and yours ! ☺️🙏🏻

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You're such a sweetheart. You always were. :)

Thanks for the beautiful sentiments.

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So grateful that you share your talents with us.

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And I’m so grateful that someone listens. :)

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