The relationship with the American Red Cross is a deal breaker for me. I fear they side with Hamas, but distrust them mostly for the percentage of donations that go to management instead of those in need. I was down to the Salvation Army until they went woke. I want to contribute, but not to an American Red Cross affiliate.....or any organization affiliated with the UN.

Please don't suggest "Go Fund Me". "Give Send Go" seems like a reasonable alternative. I believe those who run the Israeli first responder organization should reconsider linking themselves to the American Red Cross....or perhaps as Navin Johnson said "it's the profit motive"?

Change my mind.

Give Send Go seems untainted.

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You'd have to ask them their reasoning, but the MDA is the only source of emergency medical technicians and blood supplies serving the country. The UN has always been a cesspool with respect to Israel, but for all the UN's warts and oozing lesions, Israel has found it better to remain inside than out. The MDA Wikipedia page has a whole section related to their contentious relationship with the International Red Cross. Whatever its shortcomings, the ICRC has a massive presence in the region, and I imagine it would be difficult to avoid constant interaction. In addition, Israel has always sent elite emergency teams to assist countries--even its enemies--after earthquakes and other natural disasters and in war zones. I'm only speculating, but I imagine such lifesaving missions could be difficult or impossible without coordination through the Red Cross. The ICRC has also coordinated with the MDA in restoring links among Jewish families separated by the Holocaust and other political convulsions. The relationship may well be imperfect, but, as the epigram says, you go with the army you have, not with the army you want.

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