Sep 16, 2023Liked by Robert F. Graboyes

You are rich ! These mentors, willing or not, knowing or not, are lucky that you carry their stories and discoveries melded with your own ...

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Wife of one and son of another helped out with the project. Another of the professors wrote to express his appreciation. Very emotionally touching for Alanna.

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Robert F. Graboyes

Interesting that you developed a visual representation of Beethoven's music. I can sort-of imagine a lot of that. (However, I have absolutely no talent, so don't worry about my stealing the idea. )

I think Beethoven would have cottoned to the concept too, particularly when he could no longer hear it.

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Great point about Beethoven's likely thoughts.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Robert F. Graboyes

I'm a philistine, without a speck of artistic talent or taste, but your comment about Cajori and the space between shapes reminds me that for what it's worth I've always thought that what really distinguishes Beethoven from lesser composers is his mastery of silence -- of the space between notes. Each one of those key silences seem wonderfully deliberate, exquisitely hand-carved out of ebony and the midnight sky between stars, and critical to the ear's voluptuous experience. It's the first thing I contemplate when I hear a new recording, particularly of the Fifth: does the conductor hold the orchestra to *exactly* the right time between key notes, especially in the 2nd movement, so that the tension is perfectly right? There is no haste, the silence is fully ripe, but on the other hand you feel if it went on just two more milliseconds a bow would snap, a trumpet explode, an oboist giggle or fart.

Thanks for an interesting essay.

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Fantastic comment. Alanna was really intrigued by this.

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I hope this doesn't sound pompous or overwrought but from that picture of you as a young woman in 1969 with your Twelve Tone painting I can tell you were meant to have life as a vibrant creative artist; you had great teachers and you learned a lot - but I think you brought a lot with you ... I am a musician and composer - musicians love to talk about 'the colors' their instruments make; when I see your work I want to hold up my hand and tell my fellow musicians, "OK, hold it guys, this is where color is really happening ...for real!"

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Doesn’t sound pompous or overwrought at all. :) Thanks from Alanna and from me. And I agree with your observations.

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